Spooky, but Safe Celebrations for Halloween in 2020
Most of 2020 has been changed due to COVID-19, and Halloween is no different. The CDC has said that Halloween is going to look a lot different this year. There are rules and limitations to what we can do, for example, we can’t just go door to door with a large group of people. But we can still do things like have a virtual costume party or have a small get-together.
There are some things we can still do despite being in a pandemic. There are still things that we can do that pose little to no risk. For example, carving pumpkins and decorating your house is no risk at all and all of your neighbors can enjoy the scene by walking or driving by your house. If you go outside, then your neighbors and friends can decorate pumpkins with you, as long as everyone stays at least 6-feet apart and wears a mask.
“For Halloween, my family is going to my grandparent’s house because they are throwing a Halloween party and I am dressing up as an army soldier,” said freshman Ashlyn Leatherwood. “I’m in 11th grade and for Halloween, I’m staying in and watching scary movies with some friends. It’s different this year because my little brother doesn’t want to go trick or treating anymore,” said junior Joyce Quintela.
This year will be a good time to spend time with your close family and friends. Instead of having a big house party for Halloween, just have a Halloween movie marathon with some yummy treats!
“I’m going to Yogi Bear to go camping. I am dressing up as a baby. I used to go camping when I was younger, but we stopped going until now,” said Senior Gracie Rodney. “I’m going to a Halloween party with some friends at the Dollar Rink. Usually, I would go to a party somewhere or when I was younger I would go trick or treating. But now I have to wear a mask and social distance so this year I’m just doing something small,” said sophomore Kendall Johnson.
“This year for Halloween I’m having a very small group of friends over to watch Halloween/horror movies outside and have a fire! Normally every year we have a big Halloween party, sadly because of COVID-19, we can not,” said junior Elizabeth Wolfert. “This year, I am still doing the costumes and pumpkin carving. However, I am doing it at a much smaller level. I am doing it with my best friend where we buy our own candy, paint pumpkins, and have a Halloween movie marathon! So maybe not as social, but still loads of fun!” said senior Alex Lichty.
The CDC has said that you should not host or participate in any in-person festivities if you or anyone in your household has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and has not met the criteria for when it is safe to be around others, or if you have symptoms of COVID-19, and/or waiting for COVID-19 test results.
“For Halloween, I am having a small night with two friends of mine. My friends and I will probably watch a scary movie or two and we are dressing up in our Halloween costumes and her parents and siblings are judging us for a costume contest. For my Halloween costume, I am going to be going as something from a TV show this is different from other Halloweens because on other Halloweens I might be trick or treating or having a sleepover with more friends,” said freshman Amanda Johnson.
“I’m not going out and doing what I normally do, but I am still dressing up and going to a small (6-7 people max), socially distanced outdoor gathering. We’re being pretty careful this year because a lot of the time young kids that may be trick or treating are less likely to want to wear a mask, and we don’t want to test our luck,” said sophomore Maia MacMahon.
“I am going to a sleepover with two of my friends, we are still going to dress up but we are having a night in. We are watching scary movies and hallowed movies in general. We are also having a costume contest that is going to be judged by someone. This year I am dressing up as Lexa (my favorite character from the 100). Normally I would go out with a group of friends and either go trick or treating or do something, but this year we can’t. I also normally host a Halloween party with my friends, family, and neighbors, but because of the pandemic, we aren’t allowed to,” said freshman Kathryn Wolfert.
There are still lots of things you can do to celebrate Halloween; just because it’s a little different this year doesn’t mean we can’t still celebrate. Some people are going to celebrate in the open where there is going to be lots of space and some people are going to have a gathering with a small group of close friends or family. How did you celebrate Halloween this year?

Hello! My name is Kayla Moyer and I am a junior. I have been at liberty High School for 2 years and I love the environment it provides. I have previously...