Boys Basketball Season Preview

As the basketball season approaches, the Liberty basketball teams are getting ready. They have been going to open gyms and doing everything to get better at the game such as going over plays, running up and down the floor, and more. They are all hoping to have a good season and they are very determined that nothing will get in their way.
Unfortunately, there have been some changes made in order to have a safe and successful season. Boys basketball has been in the gyms now for about a month or two and they have been doing everything without contact, which has been going very smoothly. The tryouts for the team were supposed to start on December 7th, but the county made a change to that. The county said that they wanted to have a trial week for basketball. This means that everything would be the same for practice except they are allowing contact basketball. So, they are allowed to play defense and that is what they have been doing this whole week. Now, there also have been changes in the way they have to do basketball games. Since they don’t want to risk anything, they aren’t allowing any spectators at the basketball games.
Also, all basketball players have to wear a mask when they get subbed out or are sitting on the bench. The county just wants to be safe and make sure no one gets sick but even with all the changes, the basketball players still have goals and thoughts on the new changes.
“My goal for the basketball season is to first make the freshman team. Then, if I make the team, I always shoot for high for assists and for points. I’ve always had a good IQ on the basketball court and I’ve always been a good passer. Another goal is to have a winning season and have a good bond with my team and coaches. I think the way we are playing basketball this year is definitely more on the safe side, but everyone would love to have fans. It’s the best feeling when you make a crazy shot and the crowd goes crazy but I’m glad we’re able to have a season,” said freshman Jayden Ulloa.
“In my opinion, I think that the way we have to play basketball is safe, but I do wish just to have a regular season. I mean, without fans being at the games and wearing a mask, to me, takes a lot of the energy out of the game. You don’t have the fans to yell and scream when you make a shot and that can be effective to some. Unfortunately, this is the way we have to play this year. My goals for the basketball season are to be a good teammate because being a good teammate is important. Another goal is to score good points and get some good playing time. I love to play basketball and I think that I will be able to score and get some good playing time,” said freshman Jayden Curtis.
“For this basketball season, I do have some goals. One of my goals is to be able to be a leader on the team. Not necessarily a team captain, but I want to be a good vocal leader and lead my team in the right direction. Another goal I have is to get in some good playing time. Last year, I was a junior on varsity and I didn’t get much playing time. I’m hoping that I will get more this year. An obvious goal, which I’m sure everyone has, is to have a winning season. No one likes to have a losing season. Now, in my opinion, with the way the basketball season is being handled, I really wish we were able to do a regular season. The thought of having no fans is discouraging, especially when the game is close and you don’t have the fans yelling and screaming when someone hits a big shot. Also, with the thought of wearing a mask on the bench, I don’t really like that rule. I think that coming out of the game breathing hard and all sweaty will make it harder for us to breathe and to calm down but I understand that the county just wants us to be safe,” said senior Brian Ryman.
“My goals for this basketball season are first, I want to have a good bond with my team. Having a good bond is important and it helps you play better. Next, I want to have a winning record and be able to score a good amount of points throughout the season. I think that I can be a good scorer. Honestly, I just want to be an all-around player and help my team. I think that the way they are doing basketball this year is alright. I mean, I feel that they could have let some spectators into the gym to watch or something. It’s just gonna feel so empty when we play,” said freshman Tyrek Smith.
Having a different season doesn’t stop Liberty boys from having a successful season. People can hear it from them; they all have goals this year that they want to accomplish. So far, things have been going smoothly and students and staff will see how everything plays out and also what decisions they make for the 2020 boys basketball season.
In the process of writing this article, athletes and coaches found out that the boys basketball season has been suspended until January 6th. The county did make the decision to do this. It was is very heartbreaking to hear this news. No one on the boys basketball team was happy to hear this, and no one ever wanted to hear this news. They also aren’t letting the teams meet in the gyms until that point either. The best anyone can do at this point is just hope that the county doesn’t cancel the basketball season. Everyone on the boys basketball team has a heart and a passion for basketball.