2020 is Coming to an End- What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions?
This year has definitely gone by fast; it’s already almost Christmas! Everyone knows that after Christmas, people start to plan how they want to spend 2021. New Year’s Resolutions are a big part of many people’s lives. It’s always great to know what a person would like to expect in the next year. Many people set goals that are easier than others.
Due to COVID-19, many people have not been able to achieve the things they would like to this year. Social distancing and masks have really affected today’s society. With all of the precautions and mandatory rules, students and staff are ready for a fresh start. Going into this year, there will still be restrictions but hopefully, at the end of this new year, everything will be normal. Going back to normal is going to be harder than it looks.
“I am really excited about the New Year and the new memories I will be able to make with the people I care about and love. Of course, I am also very scared for the thought of the virus still being around and school being postponed due to cases rising. I have plans to hang out with family and friends while of course being social distanced and clean about the whole situation occurring with the pandemic. I have many different goals set for the New Year and my number one goal is getting good grades and remaining healthy alongside making new friends. I will achieve these goals by surrounding myself with positivity and those who support me,” said freshman Diana Vanages.
“With the new year coming up, I am very excited to start a fresh year. With this fresh start, I’m praying that Covid will go away by this year so we can go back to school normally. This New Year, I will be spending time with my family. Some of the big New Year’s Resolutions I have been to get all A’s, do well in the soccer season, and most importantly, better myself. I believe that if I push hard enough, I will achieve all my goals for this 2021 year,” said freshman Michelle Weon.
Although some people have harder goals to achieve than others, people all still work as hard for them. Many people really try to push and finish their New Year’s goals while others often forget. With all the negative things in 2020, hopefully, people will open up to new ideas and set new goals.
Some people usually set their goals by writing them down or simply just trying to remember them. To make sure to remember goals, people should simply just write them down. New Year’s Resolutions are very important to many people so forgetting wouldn’t be the best idea.
“The New Year is approaching rapidly and I’m very excited. For this New Year, I will be spending it just with my family due to the Covid restrictions. Some goals that I want to set for myself this year are based on the things I do every day. My biggest goal that I strive for every year is to get better at softball and push myself more to be the best I can be. Another one of my big goals is that I would like to get all good grades during my first year of high school,” said freshman Jada Holt.
”With all of the negativity in 2020, I’m glad to have a fresh start at a new year. This year, I will just be spending time with my family because it would be risky to go out with friends. One of the biggest goals that I want to set for myself is that I get better in softball. Another one of my bigger goals is that I want to better myself and find who I really am. Most of my other goals are small and could be done easily throughout the year. I hope that I will achieve my goals for this year and have a good year,” said freshman Ally Logan.
With the new virus that popped up this year, 2020 has been really hard for many students. Starting a new year will definitely open the eyes of many people. A lot of students really want Covid to be over in 2021; they just pray that the country will make progress throughout the year.
Many students don’t know what to look forward to this year. Starting a fresh new year with excitement and positivity will really help many students and staff. This year has really been hard on many students and hopefully, 2021 will be a push of motivation.
“With the New Year right around the corner, I’ve been trying to plan on how I want my year to go. With all the ups and downs that were thrown at me this year, I’m really looking forward to a fresh start. A goal that I want this year is to better myself. In 2020, I found my true self, and now I want to embrace it. Also, this year I would like to bring up my grades,” said freshman Terry Knighting.
Ending this year is going to be a relief to many people around the world. With 2020 in competition for being one of the worst years ever, many people look forward to leaving it all in the past. Roughly millions of people have been mentally and physically damaged this year due to Covid; it’s time for a new start. Going into 2021 won’t really be any different than 2020 but it will help many people realize there is much more opportunity if they put their mind to it. A quote to live by this year is, “Don’t let others get in the way of what could be your next big step in life.” Learn to break down barriers inside your mind and unleash the wave of creativity.

Hi! My name is Taylor Ritenour and I am a freshman this year. Some things that I like to do as hobbies are sports and art. My main sport that I play is...
Reagan Coppage • May 13, 2021 at 8:47 pm
I liked this article so much and it was really interesting. I did not really have any new years resolutions and really being stuck at hime it would have been hard to make some. I do love the optimism of this article.
karlee salinas • Apr 26, 2021 at 9:40 am
This is a great article. I didn’t really have a New Year’s Resolution for this year.
Braeden Meadows • Jan 11, 2021 at 3:30 pm
I really hope the optimism of the new year sticks as we try to defeat this pandemic and get back to normalcy
Elizabeth Montecinos • Jan 11, 2021 at 12:08 pm
I really enjoyed this article, it makes me feel happy to see that people are excited for this new year.
Dallas Alphonso • Jan 11, 2021 at 8:09 am
i definitely want to change a few things or even be better with a few things but i dont exactly know those things yet