For LHS girls tennis, it is all about team
Junior Hailey Marquis serves in one of her matches. She is one of several members that has praised the team and individual growth this season. Photo courtesy of LHS Tennis.
May 19, 2022
As the girls tennis season came to an end, the team had many difficult matches but were able to find positivity in every match.
“As our coach always says the importance of the game is never give up and always be positive even if the score is not the best,” said senior Carlota Sainz.
Not only is tennis a individual sport but it’s also a team sport, they needed to rely on their teammates through the season to find the motivation to finish their own match.
“Tennis is really a team sport as well as a individual one because no matter if you win your match or not you have to rely on your teammates to win as well you can get the team dub,” said junior Bailey Allen
The coaches have taught but also encouraged the players from every practice to every match to stay positive even if matches aren’t going like they wanted.
“We have really great coaches, they are both really into it and they are super encouraging and have taught me everything I know,” said junior Hailey Marquise
“Coach Phillips is such an amazing coach. She is so kind and pushes us to always do our best. Before high school I have never played tennis but thanks to our incredible coach I’ve won many matches and have been beating girls who have been playing for years,” said junior Kira Thomas
This season had difficult times but the players and coaches made the most out of it and learned a lot from each other.
“The experience is incredible, the team is amazing and our coach is the best,” said Sainz.
“The season was really good! I’ve learned a lot and I’ve had a lot of fun,” said Marquise
The girl’s tennis team looks to continue to grow next year and continue to improve for returning players.