Band and the bigger picture
Neidich has LHS focusing on the “tiny speck in the big universe” in first full year back as band director.
Mr. Neidich played the trumpet as a student and now leads learners of all instruments. Photo courtesy of the yearbook staff.
September 29, 2022
Last year, Mr. Pat Neidich decided to move from the position of assistant principal to the role of band teacher and band director in a surprising mid-year swap following the departure of Mr. Lombardo.
As of 2022, Mr. Neidich has been at Liberty High School for a total of 21 years. While at Liberty he has taught Music Theory, Band, and Freshman Seminars, so the role is not completely foreign to him.
When Mr. Neidich was asked why he went from Assistant Principal back to Band Director he expressed a passion for music as a catalyst for the decision.
“When I saw the opening for band teacher I knew I wanted to come back and do what I love, teaching band,” said Neidich.
Prior to teaching at Liberty, he taught at both elementary school and middle school as a music teacher. When he originally started at Liberty he was teaching general band and marching band classes, but when the role of assistant principal popped up he decided to take it.
Mr. Neidich said that he wanted to be a part of the bigger picture and work with all types of students and faculty, not just music students.
When he’s not at band practice or teaching classes Mr. Neidich can be seen paddle boarding around Lake Pelham and driving his mini cooper around Fauquier County while listening to electronic dance music. He also loves to travel and he has been to lots of places around the US.
Liberty High School is not only home to Mr. Neidich, but also to Ms. Neidich and their children, junior Aiden Neidich, 2022 LHS graduate Arlo Neidich, and 7th grader Ava Neidich.
“It’s great to be with family and it allows me to be a part of the bigger picture in their life,” said Neidich.
Growing up Mr. Neidich found an interest in the trumpet as he was a part of his high school marching band. His love for music and [an appreciation] for his high school band director is what made him realize that he wanted to teach music to others.
One of the things we can look forward to this year from Mr. Neidich is the new marching band performance, Pale Blue Dot.
“Pale Blue Dot is all about space and how the earth is just a tiny speck compared to the big universe,” said Neidich.
Neidich’s band has already earned a pair of 3rd place finishes in marching band competitions. The most recent trophy being earned at the Riverbend Emerald Invitational.