C.L. Payne celebrates FFA Week
March 13, 2023
Bubble gum blowing, egg toss, egg race, milk chug, hog calling, and relay race were just some of the events C.L.Payne FFA members participated in over national FFA week.
National FFA week took place on February 20 to 24.
C.L. Payne members traveled to Kettle Run High School to compete against Fauquier and Kettle Run in the Ag Olympics. The Virginia state officers were present during this event.
C.L. Payne members visited Taylor and Warrenton middle school to promote FFA. They wanted to give students a chance to learn about the ag department and about FFA so that when they move on to high school next year, they could take the classes if they wanted to.
The ag department hosted a chili cook-off and invited other clubs to participate. Overall there were 19 entries. The first-place winner was Cassidee Acors who signed up with the National Honor Society, 2nd place was Mr. Jon Clark who is the TSA sponsor, and 3rd place was given to Robert Miller who also entered for National Honor Society.
Over the weekend some members of C.L. Payne went to Virginia Tech to compete in livestock judging. At this event, there were 1,000 contestants.
¨When judging I mostly look at the body of the animal,¨ said C.L. Payne member Reece Stitley.
Stitley says his technique when judging is to look for bigger legs and straight backs.
¨I have met all kinds of new people and I get to explore more about the animals,¨ said Stitley.
Another C.L. Payne member, Aaron Locke, said he looks at the animal’s structure when judging.
¨I pay more attention to the hooks and rib shape before I place the animal,¨ said Locke. ¨My mom and dad encouraged me to do livestock judging and I wanted to follow in their footsteps.¨
For Brock, livestock judging has helped her bond with her teammates and learn more characteristics about animals in general.
¨I always make sure to double-check my placing when I rank the animals¨ said C.L. Payne member Victoria Brock.