Staff team serves up a shocking upset an Staff vs Student volleyball game

Mr. Diaz was one of several staff members on the victorious staff volleyball team. Photo by Maya Turner.
April 24, 2023
Liberty’s SCA hosted the Student vs. Staff volleyball game on Friday, March 31 during 4th block in the gym as part of a SCA fundraiser.
Students were asked what sport they would like to see their peers and staff members participate in for the annual event. The choices came down to basketball or a volleyball game. By most popular vote volleyball had won.
The staff team consisted of Glenn Skelly, Travis Buzzo, Kelsey Steele, Mandy Carter, Matt Darnell, Paul Lockhart, Brandon Doores, Chase Beasley, Kimberly Stierle, and Rafael Diaz.
The student team featured of Vaughn Hill, Emily Barnes, Danae Hogan, Jamaya Shellington, Denali Daymude, Corbin Barb, Tyler Thompson, Wilmer Arevalo, Joey Tripplet, Gabriel Dumbroff, Thanu Kraiwan, Tanaya Mann, Lauren Leatherman, and Mason Woodson.
The staff won by 2 points with the final score being 54-52.
Wilmer Arevalo, who played for the seniors, said his only technique was to give the ball to Joey Tripplet since he was the tallest person on their side.
¨I was really excited at the beginning because I knew we were going to win but after the game, it hit me that we lost and I was devastated,¨ said Arevalo.
Mr. Beasley, who is new to Liberty’s staff, decided to take on the challenge and join to play for the staff side.
¨I just love to have fun and was so excited to be able to play in my second staff game,¨ said Beasley.
Beasley said he has no experience in playing volleyball but he used his athletic ability in other sports to help him throughout the game.
¨My strategy during the game was to not let the ball hit the ground and to be put in the center so I wouldn’t be up close,¨ said Tanaya Mann.
Mann said she wasn’t nervous because it is just teachers she sees every day, but when they lost she still kept a good attitude.
Mr. Lockhart, who is also new to the Liberty staff, decided he was going to play volleyball for the first time in 30 years.
¨My only goal was to make sure I had fun and so did everyone else around me,¨ said Lockhart.
Lockhart and his wife played volleyball all the time together but never a game like this.