Check Out FFA’s 2023 Plant Sale
May 8, 2023
C.L.Payne FFA is having their annual plane sale starting May 9 through May 13. May 9-12 the times for the plant sale are 9:00-5:00 while May 13’s times are 9:00-2:00. The sale is happening in the Liberty greenhouse.

The plants that are available for purchase are listed below.
- Angelonia Bicolor Violet
- Bidens Blazing Embers
- Bracteantha Cottage Pink
- Lantana Confetti
- Lantana Have Full Moon
- Lantana Sunset
- Lantana Sunshine
- Ost 4d Dark Violet plus White
- Vinca Pacifica XP Mix
- Gypsophila (Baby’s Breath)
- Dahlia Burgundy Lace
- Dahlia Orange Flare
- Dahlia Rose Bicolor
- Dahlia Tropical Breeze
- Gomphrena Pinball Purple
- Coreopsis Early Sunrise
- Acalypha Fire Tail
- Argyranthemum Giant Pink
- Begonia Hiemalis Orange Bicolor
- Begonia Hiemalis White
- Geranium Deep Red
- Geranium Blue
- Geranium Lavender
- Geranium White
- Geranium Sun Hot Rose with Eye
- Geranium Ivy Glacier White
- Geranium Ivy Royal Candy Cane
- Geranium Reg CF Bicolor
- Achillea Milly Rock Red (Yarrow)
- Alcea Chaters Double Purple (Hollyhock)
- Aquilegia Early Bird Purple White (Columbine)
- Begonia Hybrid Dragon Wing White
- Campanula Pearl White
- Echinacea Wow Wild Berry Short Day
- Gaillardia Arizona Sun (Blanket Flower)
- Leucanthemum Snow Lady (Dwarf Daisy)
- Begonia White
Vegetables that are for sale include Tomato’s (Better Boy, Supersweet 100, Celebrity, Big Boy, Pink Lady), Hybrid Spineless Beauty Squash, Pepper’s (California Wonder, Hot Jalapeno, Hybrid Habanero, Sweet Sunset), and Garden Sweet Cucumbers.
All vegetables are two dollars each. Annuals in 3.5 inch pots are two dollars, Perennials in 4 inch pots are four dollars, Herbs are three dollars, 4 pack of annuals are three dollars, mixed containers are twenty dollars, Hanging Baskets are twenty dollars, and Herb Garden are twenty five dollars.