Eagles Track Star Joins Emory & Henry’s Hive
May 10, 2023
State qualifier and 4x most valuable player, senior Maya Turner, reflects on her years of running track and field as she closes off her senior season. Turner has been running track and field and cross country since the sixth grade, but it didn’t become a serious thing for her until high school.
“I realized that I loved track and field and that this could be my ticket to college,” said Turner.
This past winter season, Turner had a lot of great accomplishments and memories. Turner qualified for states with the girl’s 4×2 relay at the Virginia Beach Showcase. Very soon after, Turner went on to qualify for states in the 500 and the 300 and regionally qualified for the long jump.
“It felt good to have an amazing comeback from the last winter track season. I pulled my hamstring right at the end of my junior winter season and I couldn’t go to states for my 500, 300, and long jump,” said Turner.
Despite Turner falling in love with track and field, her first love was soccer. Turner began playing soccer when she was three years old. Turner played for Liberty High School’s soccer team up until her sophomore year.
“I miss soccer sometimes because I played it for many years. I miss scoring goals,” said Turner.
Since freshman year, Turner has gone on to win MVP four times for track and field, including this past winter season of track and field.
“It felt really good because, throughout the entire season, I’ve worked so hard to be able to go to states for three events,” said Turner.
As Turner’s senior season has come to an end due to a sudden injury, she reflected on all the good times she had for the last four years.
“I will miss every memory I’ve made with my team, and most importantly being the team mom,” said Turner.
Turner’s biggest goal for this spring season was to beat the school record for the 400 and go to states one last time.
Even though her high school career has come to an end, Turner will be running track and field for the next four years at Emory and Henry College.
“Emory and Henry is my best fit and I’m excited to see what kind of person I will become once I graduate from there. I feel safe on campus, I can major in my interest, and most importantly I have a great connection with my future coach, Coach Worley,” said Turner.
Turner has her dad to thank for pushing her this far in her track career.
“My dad has always been my best supporter,” said Turner.
Turner is beyond excited about having more competition in her events and growing into a better track and field athlete. “Maya is a phenomenal athlete-student. I am excited to see her compete at the next level,” said Assistant Director of student activities and former coach, Coach Helene Leigh.
Turner has made a huge impact on Liberty High School in academics and athletics, she is onto great things for the next four years.
Carson M • Sep 5, 2023 at 1:20 pm
It’s so great to see Maya having her own article, as one of her old friends it’s great to see her face again. She truly made an impact in Liberty High School. Not just in academics or sports but in her kindness along the way as well.