When it comes to the NBA, two names tend to come up. LeBron James and Michael Jordan, like politics, are something you might not want to bring up at family gatherings. Sometimes people call LeBron James the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) and some people call Michael Jordan the GOAT, but when it comes down to it, there can only be one, and that is Michael Jordan.
Many people seem to believe that LeBron James is the best because he is the all-time leading scorer in the NBA. However, Michael Jordan is a better player all around. This means that MJ can play good offense and defense. Another way that Jordan is better than LeBron is that he is more durable on the court. LeBron has been injured more than Jordan and sometimes is perceived as a weaker player. Jordan has shown strength through small injuries, while James feeds into the pain.
Overall, Jordan has a higher efficiency rate than James. Meaning that Jordan does better things more consistently. For example, Jordan averaged 30.1 points per game throughout 15 seasons while James averaged 27.2 throughout 20 seasons.
Another thing that Jordan beats James in is awards. Jordan has won 6 out of 6 finals that he has been in, while James has only won 4 out of 10 finals. Jordan has won 5 MVP’s, but James has only won 4 MVP’s. Jordan has 6 Final’s MVP’s and James only has 4 Final’s MVP’s. Overall, Jordan takes the complete victory over James in awards. Jordan has won so many awards which inspired me and so many other people in the world.
Growing up, my family watched Michael Jordan play and loved to support him. When I was born, Jordan, sadly, had already retired. I would have loved to see him play in person or see a live game on the TV. However, my family and many families around the world, influenced their younger children to fall in love with the way MJ played the game.
Michael wasn’t just a great player on offense. I believe that Michael Jordan helped prove that the saying, “The best defender is always on the court,” is true. Michael Jordan was a super difficult player to guard on offense, but also a phenomenal player on defense, making it hard to score when he was guarding you. His gameplay inspired this generation, older generations, and many future generations.
LeBron and Michael are both great players, however, Michael Jordan is the OG. In fact, in an interview, James stated that he looked up to Jordan as a kid, which is proof that Michael is the best player. Many players, including LeBron James, have established skills from Michael Jordan, which is helping keep Jordan’s recognition alive. Many great players like Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Allen Iverson, and Kobe Bryant aren’t recognized as much anymore when it comes to basketball; which I hope never happens to Jordan. Don’t get me wrong, LeBron is a great player and has influenced the younger generation, but you can’t fight with facts. Michael Jordan is the Greatest Of All Time.
Donevon MARTIN • Feb 26, 2025 at 2:05 pm
So you said MJ is better because 1, LBJ idolized him and is an OG. 2, he has a 4/10 finals record when MJ went 6/6. And 3, MJ has more awards and “was more efficient than LBJ is” due to MJ averaging more points in fewer years.
First off, this is straight up bias and ignorant. Let me give you the full picture:
MJ’s stats:
30.1 ppg
6.2 rpg
5.3 apg
49.7 FG% and 32.7 3P%
LBJ’s stats
27.2 ppg
7.4 rpg
7.2 apg
50.4 FG% and 34.4 3P%
Although, it’s close, LBJ clearly does more than what MJ did. That’s because unlike MJ, LBJ can play all 5 positions and has at some points throughout his career. In his 15th year, LBJ was ranked 12th in all time assists.. this year, he’s 4th. He was also ranked 7th in all time scoring at the same time.. this year, he’s 1st!
The only award lebron has not won was the dpoy which he gone 2nd place 2 times. 2009, Dwight Howard… fair. 2013… Mark Gasol, who won the DPOY award, was on the 2nd defensive team when Lebron, who was 2nd place to get DPOY was on the 1st defensive team! MJ takes the cake when it came to steals but they both average 0.8 blocks however, lebron’s blocks are arguably more impactful (blocking Iggy for example).
Jordan does have more MVPs than lebron at the end of the day but considering the amount of times he’s been 2nd place and 3rd, does it really matter? Most to all Jordan fans use this reason as an explanation of why he is the Goat. If MVPs is what makes you the Goat, then wouldn’t the Goat be Kareem? Or Bill Russell with his 11 rings? Danny Green has like 7.. what about him?
MJ may have more finals mvps than bron, but bron led the cavs to the finals TWICE (2007, 2017) with no all stars aside from kevin love. Cut the man some slack: Jordan spent those 6 years in a super team
In MJ’s last season he averaged 20 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists, hitting 45% of his shots. LBJ, in his 15th year, he averaged 28 points, 8.6 rebounds and 9.1 assists. Ok, Jordan was 40 in his last season so of course a 33 year old lebron would averaging more. Let’s look at 40 year old lebron then.. 25 points, 7.7 rebounds and 8.8 assists, hitting 52% of his shots and an INSANE 40% from 3.. (season is still ongoing as I type this) at 40 years old, he is STILL a superstar!
Christopher Lee • Feb 20, 2025 at 2:01 pm
It´s pretty sad how most people say the Micheal Jordan is better even tho He played fewer years and James played longer so of course he shot more that is why his stuff is so low.
amelia • Feb 13, 2025 at 6:12 pm
Michael Jordan is better but you know LeBron still plays and I know Michael Jordan and he does a lot of things but LeBron he can’t do it Michael Jordan you can score and all that but he doesn’t have the fame he doesn’t have the guts
pierre • Mar 30, 2024 at 7:26 am
I disagree with MJ being more durable bro only lasted 15 years while lebron still top 5 in the league at 40
Aaron • Apr 20, 2024 at 8:47 pm
Also Lebron came into the league at 18 as the “next Jordan”
Jordan didn’t come in until he was 21 and had 3 extra years in college which Lebron did not.
Lebron is also way better from 3 and has a more expanded game than Jordan because of the threat from 3.
Jordan took 2-3 3s a game at most.
Also, his DPOY award is a sham. Research Tom Haberstroh’s research. Jordan had twice as many blocks and steals at home than he did on the road. The Bulls scorekeeper juices the stats (this happened with the Vancouver Grizzlies, Raptors and Vince Carter, many others). Not to say Kordan wasn’t a good defender, but Lebron is not only a great defender but he’s also a more versatile defender than Jordan. Jordan couldn’t guard a 5 positions. Lebron absolutely can.
And btw the 6/6 in the finals is such a cop out. Lebron went to 9 finals in a row. Jordan was so hunt out after THREE that he quit (I understand he had a lot of other stuff going on but the grind was a big factor). And let’s not forget that Jordan returned in 95 and lost in the playoffs. Should we give Jordan more credit for going 6 for 6 WHEN he made the finals? Or should we give Lebron more credit because he WENT to the finals more? I think getting there is 1b to winning it.
Also saying “Jordan is more efficient because he averaged more points in less years” leaves out A TON of information.
1. Lebron was 18-19-20-21 in his 1st 4 years, Jordan was 21-22-23-24.
2. “Efficient” isn’t the right word. Lebron shoots at a higher % and scored more points in less games than Jordan.
I could keep going but do I really need to?
Gerard • Jan 17, 2025 at 8:36 pm
LeBron didn’t go to 9 in a row with the same team,he went to stacked teams
dorian dorian • Apr 29, 2024 at 11:35 am
top 10
Deon • Apr 29, 2024 at 1:58 pm
MJ didn’t “last for only 15 years” he chose to leave while he was still a capable player and for other reasons related to management. If he had stayed to play, the Bulls could’ve won more championships, leaving was just a choice, he was still a perfectly capable player. He accomplished more in a shorter amount of time than what LeBron has accomplished in a longer career.
Tim • Aug 2, 2024 at 7:58 pm
It’s called HGH….lol. Jordan walked away and actually did the middle of his career after a 3 peat….played baseball 2 yrs came back 2 years later and had another 3 peat. Jordan played against David robinson, Ewing. Mutumbo, hakeem the dream, shaq in his prime and many other legendary players bird magic . He had a killer instinct like a great white shark. Lebron is more of a bull shark dangerous but not scary.
John Gregory Jones • Dec 17, 2024 at 2:54 pm
James is not way better from 3, only averaging around 34%. Jordan averaged around 33%.
Also, James never plays all 82 games because of LOAD MANAGEMENT. He takes at least a dozen games off every season and has done so throughout his career. This means he has a lot more in the tank and is far less likely to get injured, also taking less time to recover from illness or injury.
Timmy • Jan 28, 2025 at 12:08 pm
Lebron James is one of the biggest crybabies of all time. He will get a papercut and is out for 3 games.
Jackson Walton • Feb 18, 2025 at 9:24 am
LeBron came straight out of high school and Mj came with 2 years of college so LeBron started younger
Ethan Wilder • Dec 13, 2023 at 1:36 pm
very good information with the award while not trying to be too biased, but still pushing it a bit. would of been better with a qoute
Logan Pribble • Dec 13, 2023 at 1:32 pm
this article really puts the perspective of both sides out there so I can see why some people would say Lebron is the goat but I would have to agree with Michael Jordan being the goat.
Bertha Villalobos • Apr 21, 2024 at 7:01 pm
Totally agree and Micheal was not a crybaby
f • Jan 6, 2025 at 1:08 pm
Jordan is the goat no one can beat him especially koby