On July,21,2023 the Barbie movie was released into the theaters showing the life of Barbie, and her friends while she faces the challenges in the real world. The Barbie movie is known for its fantastic graphics and a real-life witness in a world without colorful colors. Cast member Margot Robbie played Barbie, while Ryan Gosling played Ken. The two went to put their all into the movie until it was released into the theaters. I heard that the movie was up for awards for being so wonderful.
In their world, I want to know how they know which one is Barbie and which one is Ken because they all have the same name. I would be confused. The movie is bright and colorful with lots of lights and energetic dancing. The dancing is what caught my eye the most. Everyone has such a bright smile and is full of energy. They wake up with smiles on their faces every morning. I love the bright-colored outfits that they wear. Another part I enjoyed was watching the main character Ken, played by Gosling, and another Ken fight over Barbie while trying to get her attention. From dancing to showing off their muscles, the Kens made me laugh knowing what boys would do to get girls’ attention.
While seeing Barbie in her house I noticed that when she showered, there was no water, the food she made she never ate, and when she “poured” the milk nothing came out. But in the movie when she “tasted” the milk she had this disgusted look on her face before turning the milk carton around and noticing that it was expired. In Barbie’s world, everything is “make-believe” but real to the toys.
I think it was interesting when she took her shoes off and her feet were still upright like she still wearing shoes, just like the Barbie dolls we see in stores. However, in Barbie’s world, if your feet are flat on the ground, it would be an issue because you would look different compared to everyone else.
One morning, Barbie wakes up and when she takes off her shoes, she feels her heels touch the ground. That morning she had pretty bad luck, having burnt toast and expired milk. She thought it was just her imagining it so went to her friends before realizing that she was malfunctioning.
When her friends screamed it shocked me to see that her foot looked normal to me, but not normal to them. Once they told her she was malfunctioning they persuaded her to see one Barbie that was also malfunctioning. Once I saw Barbie I noticed that she was treated pretty badly and looked pretty messed up in the real world
I do love how Barbie has the power to make you understand the goals as a leader in life, what it takes, and what to expect. Although Barbie is just a toy, she stands out to all the girls who look up to her. She encourages them and reminds them that they are beautiful just the way they are, and they can be anything they want to be like a chef, the president, an astronaut, and many more in the future.
In conclusion, the Barbie movie has carved out its place in children’s entertainment, captivating young viewers with their enchanting stories, empowering messages, and eye-catching animation. Through their diverse range of characters and plots, these films foster creativity, imagination, and inclusivity. As Barbie continues to evolve with the times, her movies will undoubtedly continue to inspire and captivate generations to come.