Usually, when you hear the word language, you think of English, Spanish, etc… However, there is one type of language that you don’t necessarily speak, but instead, you feel. This language is the language of love. This language consists of 5 different categories; Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, and Receiving Gifts. Generally, people take an online quiz to see what love language they have, however, I believe that your heart should be able to know which one you obtain. These different categories are the main ways you show affection, so if you don’t know which love language you have, read along to find out.
Quality Time: Quality Time is feeling loved when someone spends time with you. When someone gives you their undivided attention, your senses will peak. Your heart will soon be swimming in a warm, cozy pool of love. Nowadays, cell phones have taken over the world. This causes communication to be easier online, however, when you love someone, in-person communication is way better than online. So take notes, everyone, get off your phones, and give someone your undivided attention. It will make them happy, which in the end, will make you happy.
Words of Affirmation: Words of Affirmation are when you feel most loved when someone gives you praise and compliments. Sometimes partners don’t realize that you need to hear all the amazing things about yourself. When you’re in love, it can be hard mentally to understand how you were granted the blessing of your partner. You may not feel as if you live up to the expectations of who the world thinks your partner should be with. Knowing this, words of affirmation can be a key factor in making your partner happy. It could just be a little compliment, but sometimes, a little goes a long way.
Physical Touch: Physical Touch is feeling loved when someone touches you. Sometimes all someone needs is the comfort of another body. The cozy feeling that another person provides can make someone feel safe and loved. If not enough physical touch is shared, people can start to feel as though they are not loved. Even if their partner does love them, the slightest setback in physical touch can cause so much harm in a relationship.
Acts of Service: Acts of Service are when you feel most loved by small favors or tasks being done for you. The simplicity of someone voluntarily easing your workload can put butterflies in your stomach. Little favors can make people feel so extremely loved. It doesn’t have to be anything big, it can just be something as small as making someone breakfast before they wake up. However, this means false promises will be taken very seriously. If you promise that you will do something for someone, you must follow through. The feeling of being lied to can destroy your relationship.
Receiving Gifts: Receiving Gifts is feeling loved when people get you a gift. To most people, it’s not necessarily the gift that makes someone happy, it is the feeling of knowing someone thought to get you something in the first place. The simple act of giving a gift can make someone feel so special and make their day so much better. The gift doesn’t have to be huge. It can simply be a little treat on a bad day.
Overall, knowing the different love languages can be so beneficial in your relationship. However, in most relationships, you and your partner have different love languages, so what may be important to you, may go unnoticed to them. With knowing this information, it is important to recognize your partner’s love languages as well. These small acts go a long way when you are truly speaking from your heart.
izzy • Mar 7, 2024 at 7:58 am
I love that you were able to go more into depth when explaining the different love languages, i think knowing what type of love language you enjoy is good.