AI is seemingly a tool to improve people’s daily lives, such as using Grammarly in people’s emails or articles. AI can be a hopeful tool just like Grammarly, but many people use it for other purposes, such as a search engine or even to rely on it for a math problem. People are unaware of how much it damages communities and young artists’ futures.
Google Gemini and ChatGPT are both chatbots and functions we are all mostly familiar with, but new information is coming out that they are BOTH not reliable anymore. ChatGPT is wrongly summarizing recent news, performing worse with math equations, and just outright giving false information. AI only takes what it has been given, and ChatGPT only takes what it can find on the internet.
Now, we will talk about AI chatbots. AI chatbots are no longer reliable because they pull stuff off the internet, so, for example, you can look up “Can I put my toaster in my bath” and since someone wrote on the internet that the AI bot would say something like “ it’s not recommended, but you can do it.” Kids also use it for work like essays and other writing assignments. These kids don’t realize AI is just taking another article and copying and pasting it.
AI art is another form of harmful AI. Digital artists and content creators, who enjoy sharing their art are in danger of this fake artificial intelligence. When you put a prompt into any AI website, it’s stealing from another person effortlessly. AI art generators are also not ACTUAL Artificial intelligence and steal from art that has been posted on the internet. Putting in a specific prompt will lead the AI to find images similar to the art style described and will use it for the image you described. AI art can be easy to spot for someone who’s an artist or has seen enough of it, but what about the people who can’t see it? The non-artists who enjoy seeing art from an outside perspective, how are they going to be able to spot it as it dangerously enhances, and how are they at risk too for falling for these scams?
People also play into this act of pretend play and claim to be artists while feeding people this lifeless art. Many online “artists” are catfishing daily, posting AI art that a person scrolling could simply see for two seconds and then leave. Most claim it took them hours to make this ‘beautiful’ and ‘creative’ work as if they didn’t put in a basic prompt into Google Gemini, Bling, and any other website or app. Art is supposed to have work put in it, growth, and a story on how it was made. It’s unfair to these beautiful artists who have dedicated their free time and even careers to master their unique art style just for an account on Pinterest to post pictures of anime girls with 10 fingers and a third eyeball with the prompt “pretty kawaii girl” and get thousands of likes from people who don’t know better.
(TikTok handles came from the downloaded image; AI did not put them there.)
Here we have a comparison (@strawzzi3 on Tiktok) who has politely allowed me to use it for this article. On the left is AI, and on the right is her work. An easy way to define what is how the shading looks, or just obvious mishaps such as the smoke in the image on the left missing the whole cigarette in the man’s mouth.
Now, most artists can mess up, but something as simple as that wouldn’t happen. You can also see in the art on the right the use of a more stylistic and interesting style. Strawzzi3 has most likely worked in this way she draws not just overnight but for years. From the way she shades in hair to the way she colors in the suit, you can tell there is more life to the drawing, and if you want to study it, you can see the brush strokes of the digital pen on the face, hair, and any other aspects of the drawing. Artists also tend to credit themselves with a signature or handle, ignoring the TikTok credits, you can see the handle in full English along the shoulder of the person she drew.