Valentine’s Da
y is one of the most celebrated holidays for couples. This holiday is very well recognized between couples since it’s the day that many couples decide to make a big romantic gesture. However, the story behind this holiday is very tragic.
Valentine’s Day was first celebrated in 469 AD. This holiday wasn’t originally romanticized until the 14th century. This holiday is recognized in honor of Saint Valentine, a priest who marries young people in secret. The reason behind
this is that an emperor had made a law that young men couldn’t marry because he needed them to fight in war. The emperor believed the men would fight better in war if they had no family waiting for them at home. The priest continued doing this for a while until he was discovered by the emperor, who then asked the priest to deny his beliefs about the church and god. The priest refused to give up his beliefs so the emperor killed him.
Originally, Valentine’s Day was a feast to honor what St. Valentine did for the Roman soldiers, however, during the 14th century a poet named Geoffrey Chaucer created
a poem called ‘The Parliament of Fowls’. This poem was created when huge declarations of love, such as poems and songs, celebrated partnership. This poem was what created a Christian celebration into a modern-day holiday. According to the legend of Saint Valentine, he had fallen in love with the daughter of the prison guard and he sent her a love letter that was signed “From your Valentine” before he died. His sending a love letter is what introduced the meaning of sending valentines.
Sending a valentine has become one of the most known parts of the holiday. The reason that sending Valentine’s Day has become a big part of the holiday is because this is a way to make people feel special and to confess to the person you like or love. In my personal experience, I have been happy receiving and sending a valentine. Sending valentines is a very beautiful and a very nice experience.
You get to express yourself and show the person you are sending the valentine to that you remember what they tell you and that they mean a lot to you. Sending a valentine doesn’t have to be romantic, it can be a friendship too. Receiving a valentine is also a very warm-hearted experience. Receiving a valentine is one of the best feelings you can experience because it shows that the person giving you a valentine is thinking about you. It shows how important you are to that person. Some common Valentine’s Day gifts are flowers such as eternal flowers and real flowers. Real flowers are a very common gift that many people give out during this time of year because roses are considered the flower of romance. Eternal flowers are flowers made out of ribbon. Giving out these flowers is more convenient because they don’t wither away and they last forever. A very nice florist I would recommend for any occasion is Ashley Alfaro. Her Instagram is @memorable.bouquets.