The Winter Dance is Back in the Groove!
It has been over ten years since Liberty High School has had a winter dance. The last dance remembered was by the class of 2005. They had multiple dances and after the school year 2004-2005, the dances faded from the tradition. Now, the senior SCA class of 2020 has decided to host the winter dance back to Liberty on Saturday, January 25th from 8p.m. to 11p.m.
The senior SCA Advisor, Coach Aubri Buzzo, and Co-Advisor, Mrs. Harris, have been planning the dance with the rest of the Senior Class SCA officers; President Emma Miller, Vice-President Bianca Purpura, Secretary Jasmine Beverly, Treasure Kristeena Kenny, and Historian Abbi Sandavol, along with the help of All-SCA officers. This idea is a fundraiser for the Senior SCA to raise money for the 2020 graduation at Jiffy Lube Live held in May.
“I thought of the idea of the winter dance over summer break and introduced the idea at the beginning of the school year and we started planning it in October,” said All SCA Vice President Jordan Cabanban.
The idea behind the dance is that there is such a big space between homecoming and prom that this gives students another opportunity to dress up and hang out with their friends. All Liberty students are welcome to come to the winter dance and guest forms are due 01/21.
“We thought it would be a fun way to raise money for the seniors and give the student body an opportunity to have fun with their friends,” said Coach Aubri

Dresses in the counseling office. See Ms. Harris for more details.
Since the dance takes place in January the theme is going to be winter.
“I think the dance is going to be fun and cute with all the decorations we have set up,” said Mrs. Harris.
Tickets are $15 each and for purchase in the finance office from 01/13 – 01/24.
Many people are excited to go to the dance to spend time with their friends and have fun.
“I am very excited for this dance because we haven’t had one at Liberty in a long time and it doesn’t seem as stressful as prom or homecoming. I am also excited about bringing along a the foreign exchange student from Germany with me and to show her how Liberty dances are,” said all SCA president Meghan Tucker.
Many people don’t want to spend a lot of money on a dress that they can only wear for one night, in that case, the counseling office there is a closet full of dresses and tuxedos can wear to the dance that are free to any student. Go down to the counseling office and talk to Mrs. Harris about the dresses or tuxedos.
“We have many brand new items in the closet, some of them still even have the tags on them,” said Co- Advisor Mrs. Harris.
This dance is different from Prom and Homecoming because we haven’t had this winter dance in over ten years.
“I think it’s different from prom because the dance is more relaxed and it has a cool and unique aspect of the winter theme,” said Cabanban.
As the dance is coming up in a couple of days, many are getting excited and prepared for it.
“I am very excited for this dance! The students have done a great job helping and planning this since early fall and I am very excited to see their vision come to life,” said Buzzo.
A lot of the students are getting very excited about getting dressed up.
“I’m so excited because I think it’s going to be a lot of fun, I’ve never been to a winterdance before and I’m excited about all the decorations are going to be set up and how everyone is going to be dressed up and I’m very excited about the music that will be played,” said Salma Hussen.
Due to the lack of selling tickets, unfortunately, the winter dance was cancelled.
diana • Jan 31, 2020 at 12:30 pm
So sad that the dance was cancelled this year 🙁 but hopefully we have one next year!. Also good job!