2020: A Year that Needs Some Positivity


This year has been full of many ups and downs. Most people didn’t know what to think as things got worse and worse. It just seemed as like the world was stopping. This year has had a lot of negativity; what everyone needs right now is some positive things to brighten their moods.

“Something that has really made my 2020 better was playing softball because it made me closer with my teammates because they’re all I see. It takes stress away from me. A good quote I have to keep your head up is “If you’re getting really stressed, stop, take a break, and breathe. Covid threw some hard situations at me but I feel that the hardest one was not seeing my friends and family as much. I feel that going back will be difficult but I know we will figure it out,” said eighth grader Bella Picket.

“Something that has really made my 2020 better was starting high school. 2020 has been a really rough year but advice I have is to stay positive, keep your head up, and everything will slowly get better. High school is going very good for me. I’ve been getting really good grades. The hardest situation that has happen this year is that I can’t have fun and hang with friends anymore. I feel that life will go back to normal but it will take awhile; just remember to stay positive,” said freshman Jada Shiet.

Although this year has been stressful for many people, it has also been a year of growth. Many people are learning to express themselves and also learning important life lessons. 2020 has had many bad moments, but also some good ones.

“A good piece of advice I have for people struggling is to keep your head up and just keep fighting through. Whatever is going on at home, try to forget about it; you got this. Something that really made my year better was that I learned who I really was and who my real friends were. Even though I can’t really see them due to Covid, I know they’re still there for me. I feel that going back to normal will be difficult for some people and easier for others. The normal we are used to know will not happen again,” said freshman Asya Thomas.

“Something that really made my 2020 better was that I had softball. Most sports got canceled, but our softball season didn’t. Some advice I have for people is to just be calm and keep fighting, it will be over soon. Something else that is positive about this year is that I learned who I can and can’t trust. I also learned that I need human interaction because quarantine was very hard for me. I was trying to keep my head up but I was falling down. I am a lot better now and I am happy that I am. I just hope that this year will get better then it has been,” said freshman Jada Holt.

“This year was good for me because I learned to drive. I’m glad that students are allowed to return back to school because I am failing online school; it’s just a lot harder than I thought it would be. I think when students go back it will be alright as long as they follow the rules to keep us all safe. I can’t wait until we go back so I can get my grades back up,” said freshman Frank Campos Reyes.