The Positive and Negative Impacts of the Pandemic
Let’s be honest, Covid-19 has not made this past year, and even now, the greatest.
People can’t go outside without a mask and students can’t hug their friends anymore. Student’s houses went from a place where they come to escape, to a place they want to escape. Everyone misses hanging out with their friends and going to the mall, going to each other houses. With all these negatives, is there anything positive that came out of this pandemic?
There are many positives that came out of this pandemic. Students were able to pick up new hobbies, interests, and really focus on themselves.
“I picked up piano, painting, and playing video games. In addition to the hobbies, Covid was actually pretty helpful because I was able to get closer to my brother and family. Also, since I wasn’t able to go out as much, I was really able to focus on school and bring up my grades, ” said freshman Michelle Weon.
For others, the pandemic has made some of the positives for people pretty lacking. During this time, the combination of the stress of the outside world and also focusing on school, work, or other extracurriculars can bring tough times to students.
“Well, I have to balance work and school at the same time. Also, I have to worry about this pandemic and it’s not a really good mixture. Over this pandemic, I haven’t been able to really pick up any fun hobbies,” said freshman Katherine Jovel.
School hasn’t been quite as normal since this pandemic. Even with that, students have actually been doing great and taking this time to focus on school.
“My grades are way better than they were before Covid. Due to the pandemic, I can’t do that much outside so I use the time to study and do all my homework,” said freshman Alexis Griffith.
Even though some students are able to use their spare time for studying, some students struggle with the whole aspect of virtual learning. A lot of students need the constant reminder and/or a hands-on learning experience.
“Covid has made my grades lower than they were in the previous year. During this pandemic, I find it hard to focus with the stress of keeping up with the news, school work, and my family and friends’ well-being,” said sophomore Chris Molina.
Since Covid-19 puts people with lung problems and elders at more of a high risk than the younger generation, a lot of kids think that Covid-19 can not harm them, which is totally not okay. Teenagers can still get Covid and pass it around to other people like their friends with asthma or their grandparents with underlying health conditions. Lucky, a lot of kids realize the harm that Covid-19 can bring.
“Physically, I am also worried, but I don’t go out often unless I have to. This pandemic is not affecting me as much physically as it is affecting my mental health. Even though my mental health is not at its greatest, I know I have to do my part and social distance to keep the community safe,” freshman Marilyn Vargas.
With all of this going on, there have been a couple of positives and things to take away. Even if students do not have certain hobbies, interests, or jobs, there are always other ways to pass the time and keep them entertained.
“Over the pandemic, TikTok has been a great app to keep me entertained. I am able to stay on the app for hours, and it definitely makes slow days go by fast. Not only is watching TikTok fun, but it is also fun to make them,” said senior Keely Crane.
TikTok has been a great way to pass the time, and it is a really good reliever of stress because it has been said to be super funny and entertaining. This app has been blowing up lately because of its funny and relatable content. It’s full of people trying to lift people’s spirits and getting them through this tough time in their lives.
Everyone can all agree that Covid-19 sucks. Through all of this nonsense, there are some really great things that have come out of this. If it’s getting closer with family, getting a job, picking up hobbies, or focusing more on schoolwork, they are all great. It is understandable that it’s not all cupcakes and butterflies right now, but at the end of the day, everyone just needs hope and faith that is pandemic will come to an end and people can get back to their normal lives and be happier.

Hey! I'm Jazmyn and I am a junior news reporter for Liberty's Patriot Press. I love writing about problems
we have in today's society and getting others...
karlee salinas • Mar 17, 2021 at 9:06 pm
I agree that there are both good and bad things about the pandemic. I have noticed that I am a lot more productive with some of my classes. I also am finding out who I am also learning a lot about myself. I learn that I love to bake and that I am a decent baker. This was a great article.
Emma Carter • Feb 16, 2021 at 11:32 am
I’ve found that school is a lot easier and my grades have gotten better, but I really miss all my school friends. Great article!
Wyatt Adams • Feb 16, 2021 at 7:43 am
The Pandemic has really thrown a wrench in many peoples lives, hopefully it will stop or at least slow down soon. Wonderful article!
dallas alphonso • Feb 15, 2021 at 11:09 am
Ugh covid needs to leave already like I want things to go back to normal and I’m sure everyone else does too
Michelle Borja • Feb 12, 2021 at 9:00 pm
Good and Bad always are side to side. Im happy for people who picked up things they wouldn’t have before covid. It was like a little push to get them in the direction where they wanted to be.
Xylan Wilson • Feb 12, 2021 at 8:02 pm
awesome article, definitely states everything that covid has been doing for everyone. fortunately for me, I got myself a really good job that always kept me on my toes.
Jonathan V. • Feb 12, 2021 at 4:16 pm
I also think that the pandemic has brought so many new experiences that normally we wouldn’t be going through or doing. Like starting a new hobby with this new found time we have. Great article!
Keely Crane • Feb 12, 2021 at 8:22 am
Great article! Over this pandemic, I was able to luckily keep myself busy with positives like going on runs, reading, working, or watching new TV shows.
Christian • Feb 11, 2021 at 12:50 pm
Although the list is short, there are some positives of the pandemic for me. It has truly allowed me to grow as a person and appreciate the little things that I normally take for granted. I learned a lot, but I think it’s safe to say it has mostly affected everyone for the worse and I hope we can use common sense and trust science to finally defeat this pandemic together.
Liz Montecinos • Feb 11, 2021 at 6:54 am
Nice article, I definitely agree with you about TikTok.
dallas alphonso • Feb 10, 2021 at 11:30 am
There are many ways this virus has affected a lot of people and students are one of the worse. Great article!