Important Dates and Information for Seniors

Senior Sunset Celebration – Saturday, May 1, 7:00pm – 10:30pm: (rain date May 8) Outdoor senior only celebration, held at LHS. We hope all seniors will attend this FREE, FUN event to celebrate the Class of 2021.

Academic Awards Ceremony – Wednesday, May 12, 10:00am: By invitation only, scholarships, achievement awards and departmental awards will be presented in the LHS Auditorium. IF your senior is receiving an award, they will receive an invitation to attend. If the school is notified of a recipient late, the letter will be given to the senior at school.

Senior Assembly/Picture/Luncheon – Friday, May 14, 8:00am – 1:00pm: All seniors are to report to their first block on this day. They will be called to the auditorium for a mandatory Senior assembly to discuss graduation details, complete the required state survey, watch the senior video and take a class photo in caps and gowns. Seniors will walk to Grace Miller Elementary in a celebratory parade, then attend a Senior luncheon at LHS. Virtual students are encouraged to come to LHS by 8am for the assembly and to participate in the events of the day.
As stated above, seniors will have a group picture taken and must bring in their caps and gowns this day. Seniors must wear their caps and gowns for the picture and the GMES walk. Students who do not bring their cap and gown will not be permitted in the group picture.

Cap and gown pick up – Friday, May 14: Jostens will be distributing orders to students outside the auditorium. Students should bring cash or check if they have not yet paid for their cap and gown. Any orders not picked up or paid for that day are available in the finance office. Visit or call 1-800-Jostens (567-8367) to pay ahead of time.

Senior Check Out Sheet – due by Friday, May 14 (last recommended in-person day of school for Seniors): Before participating in graduation ceremonies, seniors should clean out their lockers, take care of all obligations to the school system, and turn in their checkout list to the Finance Office before this date. Obligations include return of computers, hotspots, textbooks, library books, classroom books, school fees, fees for field trips, fees for Dual Enrollment classes, fundraising money, etc. Checkout sheets, to those that owe items, will be distributed in class on Tuesday, May 11th.

Senior Virtual Class Week – May 17 – May 21: We encourage all seniors to attend classes virtually the week of May 17 -May 21 to protect themselves from potential covid exposure and then having to quarantine and possibly miss graduation. If a senior needs to come in to complete work in person this week, we can accommodate an individual location for them to work, please arrange to come in with their teacher directly. The official last day of school for Seniors only is May 21st, they do not attend/log into classes after this date.

Summa Cum Laude Reception – Wednesday, May 19, 10:00am: Students whose GPA places them in the top 10% of the graduating class will receive an invitation to this reception with more details. These students will invite a teacher to speak on their behalf at the reception. Limited guests of students in the top 10% will be permitted to join us at the reception at LHS and recognize these exceptional students. Strict social distancing guidelines will be followed.

Mandatory Graduation Practice – Tuesday, May 25, 7:30am: Beginning promptly at 7:30am seniors report to the LHS Stadium entrance. Do not enter the main school building. Seniors who need to report to work after graduation practice should make arrangements with their employer to begin work after 12:00pm (noon). GPA Honor cords will be distributed at practice. ALL seniors MUST be present at practice in order to march in the graduation ceremony. Masks must be worn on campus. Strict social distancing guidelines will be followed. (rain location – enter through gym side doors).

Graduation Ceremony – Thursday, May 27, 7:00pm, Jiffy Lube Live Pavilion* in Gainesville: Graduating seniors
should arrive in the VIP area no later than 5:30pm and must be ready to line up by 6:00pm Students will receive a parking pass to park in the VIP area. VIP parking is for graduates only. Graduates riding with family may be dropped off at the second gate. Family members must park in general parking and enter through the main gate. LHS Class of 2021 masks will be distributed to Seniors at graduation and are mandatory to wear during the ceremony.

Student Dress: Students should wear appropriate attire for this special occasion. It is mandatory for gentlemen to wear collared dress shirts with a tie and dress pants or slacks with appropriate dress shoes. Ladies wear a skirt, a dress or dress slacks with the skirt or dress no longer than the gown. Blue jeans, shorts, tennis shoes and/or flip flops are inappropriate and may not be worn. When selecting shoes, seniors should keep in mind they will be walking up and down stairs to receive their diploma. Please note that no one should have any written information or decorative items on the graduation cap or gown. Students who violate the dress code will not be permitted to march in the graduation ceremony.

Guests: Jiffy Lube Live will provide LHS with a certain number of tickets for guests; tickets will be collected at entrance. We currently anticipate that each graduate will be permitted between 8-10 tickets (more details to follow pending capacity guidelines at that time). Guests are permitted to enter Jiffy Lube Live pavilion at 6:00pm. There is ample parking at Jiffy Lube Live Pavilion and handicap parking is available with a handicap license plate/placard. Staff will be available in golf carts to assist anyone that needs help getting from the accessible parking areas to the pavilion seating. All guests and participants must agree and commit to wearing a mask and keeping appropriate social distancing at all times to be on premises. No one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19 in the prior 10 days, or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in their prior 14 days, is permitted in the establishment.

Jiffy Lube Live Pavilion does not allow anyone to enter with large bags, backpacks, etc. Small and regular sized purses are permitted. If anyone has anything that is suspicious, security may search the bag or item. If anyone has anything that would create a disturbance, security will take the item(s) (air horns, noise makers, etc.). Please inform all of your guests of this policy.

A professional photographer will be taking a picture of each graduate receiving their diploma. The photographer will be at the stage area and will be able to take a close-up picture. No guests will be allowed to stand to take pictures or record as this may block others’ view of the graduation ceremony. Taking photos or recording in your seat is permitted. We do plan to livestream graduation for those that cannot attend in person, a link will be provided on the LHS website homepage and social media platforms.

When the graduation ceremony has concluded, parents and guests should return immediately to their vehicles and exit the pavilion. Social congregations before, during, or after the event are not permitted on premises per state and local guidelines. Please plan to meet your student in the parking lot after the ceremony. Please join us rain or shine as we honor our seniors for their accomplishments. We look forward to a wonderful graduation ceremony, one that the Class of 2021 will always remember with pride.