Eagle artists on display at Fauquier County Student Art Festival.


Alyssa Winter-Dakon displayed several pieces of her art at The Fauquier County Student Art Festival. Photo by Cathy Rivera.

Cathy Rivera, Staff Reporter

On March 25th and 26th, Liberty High School hosted The Fauquier Country Student Art Festival.  During the annual art celebration, students from across the county school system submitted art to be showcased, including  multiple Liberty Eagle artists.

Seniors Alyssa Winter-Dakon, Ashlyn Cooper, and Catherine Colis-Nunez were some of the artist that had their work on exhibition.

Winter-Dakon submitted a side profile, picture of tree “photography,”  Arcimboldo, and a print. She was asked about how she felt about her working being in the festival and said it was “awesome,” and she’s mostly proud of the side profile.

This also was her first time having her work in the art festival. She encourages young artist to keep creating, and they too can have their work on display at the event.

“Just keep working on it and your art is what you make it,” said Winter-Dakon.

When Cooper was selecting work to display, she chose her Night photography picture scanography. Cooper hopes to continue doing art going in college. It also was her first time being in the art show.

“I am excited to have had my work in the art show. I was proud of my work, but I didn’t feel nervous at all,” said Cooper.

Colis-Nunez also presented a scanography, Night time film, and a Color collage. She feels like she has accomplished something by her work being in the festival. She hopes to maybe have photography as a side job option in the future. It was also her first time being in the art festival.

She encourages young artists to tap into their creativity. When they do that, they too can create some really great art.

“Let the arts lift you,” said Colis-Nunez. “Try to be creative and express yourself in what you are doing.”