Powder-Puff football festivities rescheduled for Monday May 9


After a rain out on Friday, Powder-Puff football will take place on Monday during 4th Block. Photo courtesy of LHS SCA.

Ashlyn Leatherwood, Staff Reporter

The Powder-Puff game that was originally this Friday has been rescheduled for Monday due to weather but that has not stopped anyone from preparing.

The upcoming Powder-Puff game is bringing out the competitiveness in everyone this week. 

“I just want to win,” said junior Jamaya Shellington. 

Everyone has been anticipating the famous Powder-Puff game all year. From the players on the field to the people watching, it’s fun for everyone. 

“Powderpuff is when the girls get together and play flag football based off their grade level,” said Mrs. Ashley Gustafson. “So we are going to have four teams. One for each grade level, and we’re going to split them up and freshman are going to play the seniors and then the juniors are going to play the sophomores. We will see who the winner is, and then whoever wins those two games will play each other for the championship game.” 

Powder-Puff is played at many schools and has been a tradition in the past at Liberty. 

“We used to do it years ago and then it kind of stopped being a thing, and then a couple years ago some girls asked to bring it back so we just brought it back by popular demand,” said Gustafson. 

The different teams each have their own coaches. The coaches are mostly boys from that specific grade level that are assisting with strategy and skill. 

“My hope for the team is not just to win every game but to build friendship and family,” said sophomore Dylan Richards, who is a coach of the sophomore Powder-Puff team. 

The players on the other hand are just excited to spend time with their friends on the field and score some touchdowns. 

“We all just decided. We thought it’d be something fun to do, since it’s like our first year of high school and we’re planning on doing it like every year,” said freshman Abby Vass. 

The game will be played on Monday, May 9, during fourth block. Students with a ticket should report directly to 4th Block, as they will be called down to Eagle Stadium. 

Participants should go directly after 3rd block.