A theater production worth a million Warbucks

LHS Theater debuted their spring production of “Annie.”


Students Samara Brooks (Mrs. Greer), Kevin Eley (Drake), Jacob Hurley (Oliver Warbucks), and Emmy Beach (Annie) perform on stage during the LHS Theater production of Annie. Photo courtesy of the yearbook staff.

Malena Santa Ana, Staff Reporter

At the end of April, Liberty High School’s theater department hosted their spring production of “Annie.”

The musical is about an orphan who ends up in the care of billionaire Oliver Warbucks. 

When playing the lead role of Annie, Emmy Beach was excited to show the school everything the theater department worked for. 

“Overall, I really enjoy the theater family, especially since we all get along so well,” said Beach.

She said the show was a lot of fun, and her favorite part of it was when all the girls were on stage for one scene. 

Beach also enjoyed hearing “Something was Missing” which was sang by Jacob Hurley. 

Hurley played Oliver Warbucks in the show. He felt awesome after performing and was proud of how prepared everyone was. His favorite part to perform was “NYC,” which was a large group song that the cast performed. 

“I really enjoyed being in ‘Annie,’ building a family with the ensemble, and producing a good quality show,” said Hurley. 

Hurley believed the only challenge for the cast was to remember all their lines so they could practice without stopping. 

He also liked hearing the song “Little Girls” sang by Jocelyn Tyree. 

Tyree played the musical’s antagonist, Mrs. Hannigan.

As a senior, Tyree felt the show was bittersweet, as it was her last performance at Liberty High School. 

Her favorite part of the show was a group number called “Hooverville.” 

The challenge Tyree faced during the production of the show was the props. Since there were so many props, there was a lot to manage and replace when things were lost or broken. 

“Annie was a new and fun experience in my senior year and it helped me find myself through the character,” said Tyree.

Mrs. Jeanne Converse, an English teacher at Liberty High School, played one of the Boylan sisters. She said the experience was very fun but she prefers playing piano for the school. 

“The best part of it [Annie] for me was being able to interact with students outside of class,” said Converse. 

Ms. Tiffany Davenport was paired with Converse as the other Boylan sister.

On the technical side, David Calderon was taking care of all the action backstage. For him, there were only minor problems, including lots of broken props; however, the experience was very fun and he loved watching the cabinet scene where the actors sang ‘Tomorrow.” 

“[Annie] brought everyone together to perform and act, which is something everyone loves,” said Calderon.